Self-Introduction/ Past experiences:

Hello! I am Yiyu, a fashion designer who also do some weaving and natural dying. I get my BA Fashion Design degree in Shih Chien University in Taipei, and obtained my MA Fashion Design in ArtEZ Arnhem, the Netherlands. I did several internships and temporary jobs in fashion houses in Europe; after moved back to Taiwan, I work as a freelance designer, doing both commercial projects and personal works. My personal projects mainly inspired by the relationship between human and nature, I am interested in Anthropocene and Anti-Anthropocentrism. Fashion for me is appealing in both substance and significance level, the fact that fashion is always evolving with society and reflecting civilized life, make it an ambiguous subject that keep evolving, and keep including other subject into itself. While doing experimental works, I hope to generate a more sustainable working method with couture and craftsmanship by reimagine production process and materials. With my current works, I try to combine different production phases such as weave embellishments with hand weaving looms and weave directly into cutting patterns, I try to demonstrate a possibility of restructure producing process.

你好!我是服裝設計師翊羽,同時也在學習梭織和天然染。我取得了台北實踐大學的服裝設計學士學位和荷蘭ArtEZ Arnhem服裝設計碩士學位後,曾在歐洲的服裝品牌做過幾次實習和臨時工作。回到台灣後,目前以獨立設計師身份同時進行商業項目和個人作品創作。我的個人作品主要受人與自然之間關係的啟發,對人類世和非人類中心主義感興趣。對我而言,服裝在物質層面和意義上都值得探討,因為服裝和身體裝飾的潮流一直在與社會並行發展、反映著文明生活的面貌,這也使它成為不斷演變的曖昧主題,並持續將其他主題吸納其中。在製作實驗性創作時,我希望通過重新推想生產過程和可能材料,來催生同時具備高級時裝工藝和可持續性的工作模式。近期的創作中,我試著在手工梭織的同時加入裝飾物或類似刺繡等後加工程序,直接織就版型裁片,將不同的生產階段結合起來,試圖顯示重組生產過程的可能。

Website/ Portfolio:

Wearable stuff. New materials. Things and concepts that associate with feminism, Anthropocene or environmental issue.

可穿戴或服裝相關的。 新材質。 和女權主義、人類世或環境問題相關的事物和概念。

Core Skills/Technique/Concept that I want to share:
Technical wise I am experienced in tailoring, patterning and draping, also did embroidery, basic crochet and basic weaving.


Tutorial: How to make 2D pattern from a 3D object

Zoom in presentation
