
Dear Friends in the Future,

十分感謝各位撥空遠端參與我們的實驗線上駐村計劃,我們將很快透過在維基上交換一個你的技術完成計劃中的第一次交換,我們不知道會收到您什麼,但是我們知道每一個人來到這裡都帶著問題 / 答案關於:如何使用科技來賦予少數族群權力?DIY技術能否在沒有資金偏差的情況下產生可持續的生產系統?「工藝」有無可能作為建立跨學科社區的媒介?社群對你而言代表著什麼意義?藝術和社會設計項目能否找到共地?我們希望您花點時間介紹我們你在維基上提交的「技術」的口頭解釋,並包含以上這些問題的簡短想法。我們希望邀請您在9月10日至14日對我們進行15 - 20分鐘的簡短發表。

We are going to have our first exchange done very soon, we don’t know what we will have from you, I know every one of you came here carrying questions/answers for how technology can be used in order to empower the minorities? Can DIY techniques generate a sustainable production system alongside without the capital bias? Can “craft” be used as a media to establish a transdisciplinary community? and what does a community mean? Can art and social design projects find a common ground? We wish to take a little bit of time from you to give us a “zoom in” about your opinion for questions above, along with the oral explanation of the “technique” you have submitted to our wiki. We hope to invite you to give us a 15-minutes short talk about it from September 10 to 14.

Participants' Tutorial:


August 2024
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