
自我介紹/ 經驗 Self-Introduction/ Past experiences :

I am an interdisciplinary artist who works with textiles, video, and electronics. My main artistic practice is suminagashi, the Japanese art of marbling. Simply inks floating on water, the process and imagery it produces has inspired and propelled my art practice. Like many fiber art practices, the process is repetitive and meditative, and the "hand" of the artist is readily seen in the work. Wabi sabi as an aesthetic and philosophy is embedded into the practice like many other Japanese arts, and it has allowed me to embrace the imperfection, incompleteness, and impermanence of art. The imagery invokes a range of natural phenomena from the grain of wood to the cosmos, and I am drawn to its universality and unpredictability.

As an artist, I am interested in using suminagashi to philosophically explore the scientific concept of chaos theory: how small variations can ripple into significant outcomes, the interconnection between chaos and order and how they are not diametrically opposed, and discovering the underlying patterns in the seemingly randomness of complex chaotic systems. Most importantly, my work explores these concepts as they apply to everyday life. Are there recognizable patterns within the chaos of life? What happens when we embrace unpredictability? What effect does one small touch or interference have on processes in motion? Can understanding of our impact change our behavior?

Recently, I have moved towards creating video and installations that can highlight the ever-changing movement and conflict within suminagashi rather than the static but beautiful monoprints typical of the practice. Technology has played a key role in this effort to create moving imagery and interactive elements for the audience, and I am immersing myself in arduino programming, Max/MSP/Jitter, projection mapping, analog video effects, sensors for interactivity, sound design, and more. I am also a musician and am interested in methods for visual-audio reactivity and performance.

Website/ Portfolio 網站/ 作品集: https://linhcreates.art/

想分享的技術或技藝或概念 Technique/Concept that I want to share :
可以是一個技術、工藝知識、DIY技術、甚至是一種觀念 It could be a skills, tool, knowledge, craft technique, DIY technology or even just a concept.

The technique I would like to share is weaving with EL wire and programming light sequences with an arduino.

Step One: Create a tapestry loom with a piece of wood or frame and nails evenly staggered in two rows with each nail 1/4" apart.

Step Two: Warp the loom with invisible nylon thread.

Step Three: After soldering JST connectors to the ends of EL wire, weave the EL wire through the invisible warp threads using pliers and a bright light.

Step Four: Connect the JST connectors into an EL Escudo Dos arduino shield or EL Sequencer (both available at SparkFun).

Step Five: Upload the following arduino code to create blinking EL wire at different intervals using a timer. You can change the interval between blinks for each color by changing the milliseconds in the second section to create different patterns of light.

// Which pins are connected to which LED
const byte redLED = 2;
const byte yellowLED = 3;
const byte orangeLED = 4;
const byte greenLED = 5;

// Time periods of blinks in milliseconds (1000 to a second).
const unsigned long redLEDinterval = 3000;
const unsigned long yellowLEDinterval = 1500;
const unsigned long orangeLEDinterval = 750;
const unsigned long greenLEDinterval = 500;

// Variable holding the timer value so far. One for each "Timer"
unsigned long redLEDtimer;
unsigned long yellowLEDtimer;
unsigned long orangeLEDtimer;
unsigned long greenLEDtimer;

void setup ()
pinMode (yellowLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (orangeLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (redLED, OUTPUT);
yellowLEDtimer = millis ();
greenLEDtimer = millis ();
orangeLEDtimer = millis ();
redLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleyellowLED ()
if (digitalRead (yellowLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (yellowLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (yellowLED, LOW);

yellowLEDtimer = millis ();

void togglegreenLED ()
if (digitalRead (greenLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (greenLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (greenLED, LOW);

greenLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleorangeLED ()
if (digitalRead (orangeLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (orangeLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (orangeLED, LOW);

orangeLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleredLED ()
if (digitalRead (redLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (redLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (redLED, LOW);

redLEDtimer = millis ();

void loop ()

if ( (millis () - yellowLEDtimer) >= yellowLEDinterval)
toggleyellowLED ();

if ( (millis () - greenLEDtimer) >= greenLEDinterval)
togglegreenLED ();

if ( (millis () - orangeLEDtimer) >= orangeLEDinterval)
toggleorangeLED ();

if ( (millis () - redLEDtimer) >= redLEDinterval)
toggleredLED ();


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