電子設備的小型化導致了所謂的分形天線的發展,分形天線使用疊代函數原理來製造小體積的天線元件。數學家Benoit Mandelbrot於1975年首次使用「碎形」一詞。Mandelbrot基於拉丁語frāctus的意思是「破碎」或「破碎」,並擴展了理論上的分數概念到自然中的幾何圖案。碎形幾何的特性之一是,它可以具有無限長的長度,並適合使用在設備體積受限的情況下。任何電磁輻射器的輻射特性取決於結構的電長度。通過在天線設計中利用碎形幾何的特性,可以增加電長度,同時保持天線的體積不變。碎形概念可用於減小天線尺寸,例如科赫偶極子(Koch dipole),科赫單極子(Koch monopole),科赫循還(Koch loop)和閔可夫斯基循環(Minkowski loop)。或者,由於幾何形狀的自相似性,例如謝爾賓斯基三角形(Sierpinski),康托爾開隙貼片(Cantor slot patch)和碎形樹偶極子(fractal tree dipole),它可以用於實現接收多個帶寬並增加每個單個頻帶的帶寬。
To create this antenna I used an L-systems fractal, specifically the H-Fractal in its fourth iteration:
After vectorizing the image I used a Brother Persona embroidery machine and Madeira HC-12 the silver-plated nylon conductive thread and made four different variations on different fabrics (cotton, polyester, mesh, jersey).
This antenna was created in the context of my artistic research projects Fractal Antennae and Embodied RF Ecologies and paired with a sound amplifier circuit it acts like an EMF detector, or paired with an amp and a downconverter as an RF sensing and decoding device. It can also be used with software-defined radio to pick up RF transmissions. Its resonant frequency will depend on the placement of the SMA connector and its corresponding GND, and can be experimentally tested and measured with a vector analyzer.
- 電繡機
- 鍍銀線
- 棉、尼龍、網格布、平織布