採集構樹皮 collecting paper mulberry tree
Win Lin Yang invited us to her house to collect paper mulberry tree. We cut off a piece of tree trunk, make a cut on its skin then the tree skin can be peel off easily. Place the skin on a stone or flat surface, make it into fabric/paper form by keep knocking it to extend the fibre length. Wash the surface from time to time to wash away the black part from the oxidation. However because of the limited time, we use the pre-processed paper mulberry pulp to make the hand sheet paper.
手抄紙步驟 hand sheet papermaking steps
1. 將600克的構樹紙團在前一天先泡入水中吸水
Soak the 600 grams of dry paper mulberry pulp into the water over night.
2. 將前晚泡好的紙團倒入散漿機進行打漿,一公斤構樹紙漿約30分鐘(如在家中可嘗試使用果汁機進行此步驟)。紙漿在散漿機中不斷的隨水流循環,並被送入旋轉中的螺旋轉子持續的被打散。
Fill up the water in the pulper tank, and put the wet pulp into water and start the machine. The pulps keep being cycling in the water flow and beaten by the turning spiral rotor.
3. 待散漿機進行攪拌約20分鐘後再把經過螺旋轉子的進水口縮小,迫使紙漿水流進入更小的攪拌空間,被打散成更細的纖維。最後將紙漿自打漿機底下出水口取出,用濾網或洗衣袋收集。
After 20 minutes we make the water gate smaller so the rotor beat the fibre into smaller fibre and we beat the fibre for 10 to 15 minutes more. Finally we collect the fibre at the bottom of the machine with filter or laundry bag.
4. 將塑膠淺盆裝滿水約5分滿,再加入樹糊粉,台灣的樹糊粉萃取自馬拉巴栗樹根(俗稱發財樹或美國花生)的汁液,作為造紙的助料,可幫助紙漿纖維均勻懸浮不易沉澱,造紙厚薄均勻。有些國家也使用秋葵或蘆薈做樹糊。樹糊是造紙的助料,又稱做「懸浮劑」或「紙藥」。它與利用植物膠有相同的化學成分,沒有毒性,用量極少,摸起來滑而不黏,聞起來沒有味道,將會漸進蒸發,沒有污染問題。然後將抄紙網放入水中將懸浮的紙漿平均固定於網上。
Malabar chestnut tree, commonly known as the "rich tree" or "American peanut". The sap extracted from the roots of the Malabar chestnut tree in Taiwan is used as suspension in paper making. It is added to water to help the pulp fibers to suspend evenly and to prevent precipitation. Okra or aloe is used as suspension in some other countries, it is non-toxic, slippery and a bit sticky, smelless, and it evaporate without pollution problems. The paper screen is put into the box of pulps, to make the pulp form an even layer onto the net.
5. 待紙漿在抄紙網形成滿意的狀態後將抄紙網正面朝下,蓋在吸水紙上,並從背面用海棉將多餘水份吸乾,等到差不多半乾時就可以將網子和紙張分開,讓成品貼在吸水紙上自然晾乾,此時如要快乾一點的話可以用熨斗將成品燙乾。
After the wet pulp form a satisfying shape on the paper making net, we take the net out of water, put it upside down and cover it on top of the absorbent paper. Then absorb the extra water from the backside with sponge. When the paper gets dry enough, you can remove the net and leave the formed paper on the absorbent paper. Leave it there for completely dry. You may accelerate this process with iron.
可實驗項目,例如 parameters to play around:
1. 抄紙的動作形成的效果 the hand movement lead different results
2. 加入的材料形成的質感 innovate different textures by adding different materials during the hand sheet papermaking process
3. 染色(先染,後染) dyeing (apply dyeing before and after)
4. 厚薄 the thickness control
5. 後處理,表面塗層 after processing, surface coating
6. 水溫,打漿時間等步驟的調整 adjust water temperature, paper pulp beating duration
混合其他材料於手抄紙 mixing materials with paper pulp and tests
以電表測量活性碳手抄紙3-8k歐姆公分,碳黑手抄紙 50-300歐姆公分。電阻值變動來自於手抄紙不均的厚度。
activated charcoal paper pulp = 3 - 8 k ohm-cm, carbon black paper pulp = 50 - 300 ohm-cm, the range comes from the uneven thickness.
缺點 cons
The carbon black and activated charcoal causes the loosing structure, there should be another two pulp layers to sandwitch the carbon pulp layer in between to tighten the structure. Yet we haven't test it out.
- 白色楮皮乾紙漿600g paper mulberry pulp 600g
- 活性碳 activated charcoal
- 碳黑 carbon black
- 樹糊粉1包
- 吸水紙多多益善
- 熨斗 iron
- 手抄網 paper making net
- 吸水海綿 sponge