
first session October 3rd, 2020, UTC 1:00 - 3:00 (In-Person Weaving Workshop)
second session October 3rd, 2020, UTC 5:00 - 6:00 (Online Talk with Victoria about Weaving technique)
Third Session October 3rd, 2020, UTC 11:00 - 13:00 (Concept Workshop with Collaborative Design Initiation)

編織是世界各地的人們都在實踐的通用技術,每個人都有自己獨特的方法,材料和靈感。從歷史上看,編織一直被用作一種溝通形式,甚至啟發了我們稱之為螢幕、顯示器和計算機的現代設備。在這個由三部分組成的工作坊中,參與者將通過簡單的圖案應用學習和實踐傑克地織機的基本應用。我們還將在線上與Victoria Manganiello見面,以學習和了解她的織造技術和方法。最後,我們將共同探討紡織品和技術如何重疊的歷史。我們將參加一個合作的講座/工作坊,在其中我們將回顧歷史並推測跨時空的螢幕和顯示器的未來。我們將考慮紡織品在通信中的過去,現在和將來的角色,並發現我們自己的想法,即用軟材料重新構想計算機。最終工作坊將指導參與者提出概念性問題,並與他們共同設計一個新項目,該項目將在面對面研討會系列的其餘部分中執行。鼓勵學生們一起工作,並結合在該計劃中學習到的其他材料和技術。準備探索信息通信的本質和背後的機制,以及軟材料為對話提供的可能性。

Weaving is a universal technique practiced by people all around the globe, each with their unique approach, material, and inspiration. Historically, weaving has been used as a form of communication and even inspired the modern-day devices that we call screens, displays and computers. In this three-part workshop, participants will learn and practice the basic application of the Jack Floor Loom with simple pattern application. We will also meet Victoria Manganiello online to learn and see more of her specific technique and approach to weaving. Lastly, we will work together to explore the history of how textiles and technology have overlapped. We will engage in a collaborative lecture/workshop where we will look at the history and speculate on the future of screens and displays across time and space. We will contemplate the past, present, and future roles of textiles in communication and discover our own ideas for reimagining the computer with soft materials. The final workshop will guide participants in conceptual questions with the mission to co-design a new project to be executed during the remainder of the in-person workshop series. It will be encouraged that students work together and also incorporate other materials and techniques learned during this program. Come ready to explore the nature of and mechanisms behind information communication and the possibilities that soft materiality can offer to that conversation.

Progress from workshop

In this workshop series, we reviewed the basics of weaving using the table loom at NCTRI studios. And we discussed some exciting and unconventional applications for experimental weaving through images, video, and discussion. Participants have been invited to integrate their experiments across the entire workshop series into the setting of weaving. Additionally, we did an exploration of what a screen, display, and computer can be. We reviewed some historical examples with special attention to those that connect with textiles. And we expanded on that history with our own research as well as by inventing our own explored speculative histories. We asked the questions "what makes us human" what should the screens of the future look like? What do we want the world of technology to be like in the future? And we hope to collaborate together to create interesting prototypes that explore answers to these and other related questions. Join us in the "Soft Monitor" channel in Slack to continue the dialogue and to share updates of your own exploration of these topics.

Expectations of Participants
工作坊結束後,參與者被期待(與他們的本地朋友,他們的遠端朋友或單獨的)將對工作坊中探索的提示進行概念化。 他們可以使用編織或任何其他紡織品類型的材料來創建推測式的「未來螢幕」。 它可以是半功能的,全功能的,甚至是非功能性的但具有推測性。 強烈建議對其過程、技術、工具和實驗進行記錄。 請參考此方法來為樣片交換計劃來創建一個樣片。

After this workshop, participants are expected to conceptualize (in groups with their local friends, their remote friends, or individually) their own interpretation of the prompts explored in the workshops. They can use weaving or any other textile type material to create a speculative "screen of the future." It can be semi-functional, fully-functional, or even non-functional but speculative. Documentation of their process, technique, tools and experimentation is highly encouraged. Please use this method to make a swatch for the swatch exchange.

More information here 更多信息: https://hff2020.xyz/

broadcast link


08/25/2024 - 08/31/2024
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