背景/ 我的背景包含了水墨書畫篆刻,以及科技藝術。我的創作方法比較是跨領域的與不同學科或不同技術背景的人分工合作,有時會是跨學科的概念參考,有時也會採取發包製作的模式。
作品/ 上個階段(2018-19)的創作著重在台灣在地的社會議題、意識形態與民間信仰,並以機械互動裝置呈現;近期的興趣主要落在社會議題的網路傳播敘事、科學哲學與電流的聲音或編碼的聲音。
近期/ 最近正在努力將之前作品內部的動裝置的電路給重製出來,透過學習專業電路製圖軟體kicad繪製電路圖(並正面臨一些學習上的挫折),希望可以試著把電路的物件特性、電路圖的符號特性、資料庫特性…當作這個階段的創作主體。kicad的部分也是我近幾個月每周三在openlab.Taipei與社群進行的內容。


Background/My background includes ink painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, and technological art. My method of creation is a cross-field collaboration with people from different disciplines or different technical backgrounds. Sometimes it is a cross-disciplinary conceptual reference, and sometimes a contract-based production model is adopted.
Works / my creation of the previous stage (2018-19) focused on Taiwan’s social forms, ideology and folk beliefs on the surface, and presented them in mechanical interactive installations; recent interests mainly fall in social forms of online communication narratives, scientific philosophy With current sound or coded sound.
Recently/recently, I am trying to remake the circuit of the moving device in the previous work. By learning the professional circuit drawing software kicad to draw the circuit diagram (and is facing some learning setbacks), I hope I can try the object characteristics of the circuit, the circuit diagram Symbol characteristics, database characteristics... Take this stage of the creation of the main body. The part of kicad is also what I have done with the community every Wednesday in openlab.Taipei in recent months.
This is a general introduction about me, but I may not have any more specific ideas about technology sharing and communication for the time being, we can chat first and then take a look:)

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