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Linh My Truong 是一位跨學科藝術家和教育家,從事紡織品、視頻和電子產品的工作。 通過她對 suminagashi 的日本大理石紋藝術的探索以及她對硬幾何形式的偏愛,她的作品在混沌理論和有序宇宙之間找到了位置。 她的技術應用利用光來創造沉浸式藝術裝置,將傳統藝術形式帶入 21 世紀。
Linh My Truong is an interdisciplinary artist and educator working with textiles, video, and electronics. Through her exploration of the Japanese marbling art of suminagashi and her penchant for hard geometric forms, her work finds a place between chaos theory and an ordered universe. Her application of technology uses light to create immersive art installations, bringing traditional art forms into the 21st century.
Linh My Truong個人網站
Linh My Trong, Victoria Manganiello, Ed Cunneen合作樣片
Linh My Trong, Aesun Kim, 陳翊羽 Yiyu Chen合作樣片