酸鹼感應墊片 pH-sensitive biotextile pad

How to monitor the changing of pH in vaginal fluids with natural textile dye?
The pad is a bio-textile dyed with natural pH-sensitive dye to monitor the color change of the underwear in case of an ongoing abnormal (pH 6 – very alkaline) vaginal fluid. The ideal aim of this dynamic low digital monitoring system is to support the users to be familiar with their vaginal health flora and recognize the possible vaginal infections ahead. I used red cabbage, cochineal and blue butterfly pea flower to create samples. Blue pea also called Clitoria Ternatea, it is used in Chinese medicine. The shape of this flower is believed to resemble female human genitals, in particular the clitoris, hence the name Clitoria – perfectly fit for this experiment! Red cabbage, cochineal and Clitoria are pH-sensitive and their color can be extracted and used as a pH indicator solution. For my personal project called Alma, I used the dye for coloring the gusset of female underwear, where I later applied some vaginal fluids on top – fluids that have been collected in different phases of a woman cycle to test the pH color changing.

這個墊片是一種使用天然酸鹼pH敏感染料染色的生物織物,可在持續異常(pH為6 –非常鹼性)陰道液的情況下監視內褲的顏色變化。這種動態的低數位監控系統的理想目標是支持用戶熟悉他們的陰道健康菌群並識別未來可能的陰道感染。我用紅甘藍、胭脂蟲和藍色蝶豆花製作樣片。蝶豆(Blue pea)也稱為Clitoria Ternatea,有被使用於中藥領域。人們認為這朵花的形狀類似於女性的生殖器,尤其是陰蒂,因此,它的名稱為clitoria,因此非常適合這項實驗!由於紅甘藍、胭脂蟲和蝶豆對pH敏感的特性,因此可以提取其顏色並將其用作pH指示劑溶液。在我的個人計劃「Alma」中 我用這種染料為女性內褲的襯料上色,後來我在上面塗了一些陰道上的液體—於婦女月經週期的不同階段中所收集的液體,用於測試pH值顏色的變化。

製作過程樣片 process photos
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How to make the pH-sensitive biotextile pad?
1. boil 300ml of water with 1 red cabbage to extract the dye liquid
1.1 or boil 50ml of water and mix it with 3gr of dried cochineal to extract the dye paste
1.2 or boil 200ml of water and mix 20gr of dried blue pea to extract the dye liquid
2. in a different pot, boil 1.6gr of agar agar powder with 5.4gr of glycerine, 2.5gr of tapioca starch and 40ml of water for 10 minutes, until the agar agar and tapioca powders dissolve and boiled up
3. mix the agar agar with one of the extract dye and pour it inyour mold to dry
4. let it rest for half a day until it dries up and evaporates water on room temperature
5. be careful when drying, keep it in the fridge if you need a gelatin state of the biotextile

樣片材料表 Material list

  • agar agar (powder) 洋菜(粉末狀)
  • tapioca starch/any starch (powder) 木薯粉或一般任何澱粉(粉末狀)
  • water 水
  • glycerine (liquid) 甘油(液態)
  • red cabbage 紫甘藍
  • cochineal (dried) 胭脂蟲 (乾燥過的)
  • blue pea (dried powder) 蝶豆 (乾燥粉末)
  • lemon or vinegar (to change pH color) 檸檬或醋 (用來調配酸鹼值)

