
Group forming 9/16-9/27


We would like to propose 5 questions to everyone

Must Seek The “Nu” in The Old
media archeology in the collaboration of new and old materials

Open Source for Culture Preservation
Welcome to share any relevant experience on combining open source culture and cultural preservation

Craftivism Community
How can we create a platform online community through crafting and transdisciplinary collaboration?

Edible Textile, Food, Perhaps With Circuits too?
Anything edible is acceptable here.

New Identity, The New Normal and The New Nationalism (NNN)
Your positive or negative reflections during the covid19 time, regarding to the communication, collaborations, changes in life...

Grouping Reminders:

Let's find partners!

  1. We hope that each group must have at least one Taiwanese participant and one international participant.
  2. After the grouping is completed, please open a topic on the wiki forum with a member list.
  3. Before the end of October, each team needs to complete one collaborative prototype.
  4. you may start to share your opinions here

Temporal Labortary / Gift Factory 10/3-10/8 Temporal Labortary / Gift Factory

The physical workshop is not the end of the event but the beginning! Since most of the participants are online and only five participants are in Taiwan, we want to transform this physical workshop into a "temporary laboratory" and a "gift factory". We will begin to produce and cultivate some materials that may be of interest to everyone and send them to remote participants in need. You can modify these materials or just do nothing with it, but we do look forward to receiving a small processed version in respond! This temporary laboratory/gift factory is also open to any proposals and cooperation invitation!

Schedules of the 6-days workshop

Temporary laboratory resources

  • Accommodation and transportation expenses for the six Taiwanese participants
  • Equipment and space:
  • Weaving room
  • indigo dye Studio and indigo dye expertise and related materials
  • 3D printer
  • Soldering station
  • Oscilloscope
  • Tailoring equipments


  • Kombucha cultivation tank
  • Conductive copper fabric
  • Conductive silver fabric
  • Conductive silver paint
  • Screen printing
  • Dr. Marc Dusseiller, a Swiss nomadic nanotechnology consultant (you may send him questions on Slack or Wiki anytime, he’s lonely and he wants to answer your questions!)

Tasks of temporal laboratory / gift factory

Help the remote groups to develop the prototypes.
Prepare materials and workshops with both Taiwan and remote participants. (we are inviting people to organize workshops)

  • Kombucha
  • Indigo dye fabric
  • Paper mulberry fabric
  • Tempe making
  • Banana Fiber

Prototyping & Swatches 10/8-10/30

We invite everyone to create this collaborative prototype through remote collaboration. After the prototypes of each group are completed, NTCRI will invite several of them to enlarge the prototypes from November to December, and have the opportunity to exhibit the completed prototypes at NTCRI next year.

Mail: If necessary, you can use FedEx account number 794838135 to send
Special kit support
As mentioned earlier, we will make the following items in Caotun. If you are interested in creating with these materials, please let us know and we can mail it to you! (Please choose 1-2 kinds)

  • Kombucha
  • Blue dyed fabric
  • Paper mulberry bark cloth
  • Conductive tempeh
  • Banana fiber

Deadline for sample collection 10/30 Prototype, Swatch Receiving Deadline
We invite all participants to make a swatch of 10 x 10 cm that records the exchange technology in this event, please complete your sample before 10/30 (the number to be produced will be announced after the grouping is completed at the end of September), and send it to the organizer, we will put together a sample book, each participant will receive this sample book in the end of the project, it is expected to be completed in December this year. If your "swatch" is too special to be assembled in the swatch book, please discuss with us!

Community++ November-December

Prototype ++ (a group invited by the Craft Center)

  • The examination date: 11/1-11/8
  • Announcement: 11/9
  • This prototype must be completed by more than two participants.
  • The funding for each prototype is NTD 60,000-100,000.
  • A physical exhibition might take place for the selected prototypes at NTCRI next year

Online exhibition
An online exhibition will be planned to be completed before December 25th, and will present the selected collaborative prototypes, a documentary film of this remote collaboration and our footprints on Figma. We hope to discuss how to make this exhibition together soon.

Swatch book assembling
The organizer will organize the samples sent by everyone into a portfolio as a memorial and record of this project. The sample book is expected to be completed and sent to everyone in December!
