
冷光線編織 EL Wire Weaving

這些樣片顯示了我的個人技術,將冷光線(EL wire)編織成流體形狀和形式,形成了我稱之為“光織法”的掛毯系列,並受到了我的水影畫(或稱墨流)中大理石花紋的啟發。不同的顏色以不同的間隔閃爍會產生運動感和節奏感。我未來的光織計劃是合併不同的傳感器(偵測聲音,物體運動等),以添加互動式元素。本系列文章最終旨在探索人與數位的聯繫以及雙方對刺激的反應。我們如何形象化、可視化我們行動的後果?並以什麼方式影響我們的互動方式?

光織的結果最好是有張力的被維持在有框的織機上展示,在樣片中我以簡易的方式繃緊它來展現,但是您仍然可以從樣片中了解這個掛毯技術。儘管穩定性較差,但我還是很喜歡經線的自然彎曲,從而可以更好地顯示「波動」的意象。您可以將帶有J​​ST端子的冷光線的一端連接到任何一種冷光線控制器或是EL Escudo Dos shield (一種產品)+ Arduino Uno,然後使用下面的Arduino程式碼對冷光線進行編程,使其以不同的節奏閃爍。

The swatches show my personal technique weaving EL wire into fluid shapes and forms for a tapestry series I call Light Weavings and inspired by my practice of suminagashi marbling. The different colors blinking at different intervals create a sense of movement and polyrhythm. My plan for future Light Weavings is to incorporate different sensors (sound, motion, etc.) in order to add an interactive element. This series ultimately seeks to explore human and digital connections and response to stimuli on both sides. How do we visualize the consequences of our actions? In what ways does that visualization play into how we interact?

The woven images hold best while remaining under tension in a frame loom, which I build out with framing for display, but you can still get an idea of the tapestry technique in the swatches. Although less stable, I quite like the natural bend of the warp threads creating a greater visualization of "waves". You can connect one end of the EL wire with a JST connector to either the EL Sequencer or the EL Escudo Dos shield + Arduino Uno and then program the EL wire to blink at different intervals with the Arduino code below.

製作過程照片 process photos

Light Weaving Front Light Weaving Back Light Waves I Lit Light Waves Closeup 1 Light Waves Closeup 2

1. 用一塊木頭或框架製作掛毯織機,釘子均勻交錯成兩排,每個釘子相距 1/4 英寸/6 毫米。
2. 用單絲釣魚線或隱形尼龍線將織機整經。
3. 將 JST 連接器焊接到 EL 線的末端后,使用鉗子和強光將 EL 線穿過隱形經線。
4. 將 JST 連接器連接到 EL Escudo Dos arduino 屏蔽或 EL Sequencer(兩者均可在 SparkFun 上獲得)。
5. 上傳以下 arduino 代碼以使用計時器以不同的時間間隔創建閃爍的EL線。 您可以通過更改第二部分中的毫秒數來更改每種顏色的閃爍間隔,以創建不同的光模式。

1) Create a tapestry loom with a piece of wood or frame and nails evenly staggered in two rows with each nail 1/4"/6mm apart.
2) Warp the loom with monofilament fishing wire or invisible nylon thread.
3) After soldering JST connectors to the ends of EL wire, weave the EL wire through the invisible warp threads using pliers and a bright light.
4) Connect the JST connectors into an EL Escudo Dos arduino shield or EL Sequencer (both available at SparkFun).
5) Upload the following arduino code to create blinking EL wire at different intervals using a timer. You can change the interval between blinks for each color by changing the milliseconds in the second section to create different patterns of light.

// Which pins are connected to which LED
const byte redLED = 2;
const byte yellowLED = 3;
const byte orangeLED = 4;
const byte greenLED = 5;

// Time periods of blinks in milliseconds (1000 to a second).
const unsigned long redLEDinterval = 3000;
const unsigned long yellowLEDinterval = 1500;
const unsigned long orangeLEDinterval = 750;
const unsigned long greenLEDinterval = 500;

// Variable holding the timer value so far. One for each "timer"
unsigned long redLEDtimer;
unsigned long yellowLEDtimer;
unsigned long orangeLEDtimer;
unsigned long greenLEDtimer;

void setup ()
pinMode (yellowLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (orangeLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode (redLED, OUTPUT);
yellowLEDtimer = millis ();
greenLEDtimer = millis ();
orangeLEDtimer = millis ();
redLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleyellowLED ()
if (digitalRead (yellowLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (yellowLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (yellowLED, LOW);
yellowLEDtimer = millis ();

void togglegreenLED ()
if (digitalRead (greenLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (greenLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (greenLED, LOW);
greenLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleorangeLED ()
if (digitalRead (orangeLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (orangeLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (orangeLED, LOW);
orangeLEDtimer = millis ();

void toggleredLED ()
if (digitalRead (redLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite (redLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite (redLED, LOW);
redLEDtimer = millis ();

void loop ()
if ( (millis () - yellowLEDtimer) >= yellowLEDinterval)
toggleyellowLED ();
if ( (millis () - greenLEDtimer) >= greenLEDinterval)
togglegreenLED ();
if ( (millis () - orangeLEDtimer) >= orangeLEDinterval)
toggleorangeLED ();
if ( (millis () - redLEDtimer) >= redLEDinterval)
toggleredLED ();

樣片材料表 material list
EL wire 冷光線
Monofilament fishing wire or invisible nylon thread (the kind found in sewing supply stores for blind hems) 單絲釣魚線或隱形尼龍線 (一般縫軔用品店可以買到)
Brads at least 1/2"/13mm long 1.3公分長的鑽頭
Piece of wood or wooden frame 木框
Pliers 鉗子
JST connectors JST端子
Heat shrink tubing 熱縮套管
Copper foil 銅箔
Solder and soldering iron 焊錫和焊槍
Wire stripper 撥線鉗
EL Sequencer or the EL Escudo Dos shield + Arduino Uno 冷光線控制器或 EL Escudo Dos shield + Arduino Uno

其他關於樣片的網路資料連結 internet link of it
How to solder connectors onto EL wire: https://www.coolneon.com/tutorials-2/el-wire-soldering/the-ultimate-beginers-guide-to-soldering-cool-neon-el-wire/
