HFF 2020 交換區 exchange zone

HFF 2020 交換區 exchange zone

Pyralux cutting?

Hello everyone!

I have been thinking a lot about interface design and I'm considering making some kind of low-fi sewable EEG interface that could easily be mailed out to everyone. I am still trying to figure out what tooling and substrates to use though. Does anyone have experience working with Pyralux on a vinyl cutter or a CNC engraver? I know the usual method for working with that material is etching, but I can't have hazardous chemicals in my current studio space. :-(

are you into the electrodes or a circuit?
you can use stencil cutter with copper tape..
pyralux is much more thicker its gonna eat the blade.
Etching is the easy and fastest way!!

cnc- https://youtu.be/zultG4QwgTg
silver adhesive - https://youtu.be/mwwA1d2s2OQ
you will need high watt fiber laser for cutting metals

maybe salt+vinegar etching?
circuit schematic?

Hey Zohar!

Thank you so much for your reply!
Right now I'm thinking my way through the circuit end of things. I'll probably use gold cups or 3d printed dry electrodes for the actual contact side.

I could definitely do the milling from the video you linked or vinegar etching. I'm inclined to go with the former because it seems to produce less waste, but I'd also like to ask your thoughts on vinegar etching Pyralux. Have you tried it? Google doesn't seem to have much on that specific subject.

I just did a preliminary sketch of the circuit layout and it came out like this: (Apologies in advance for the poor draftsmanship. I'm a musician first, and my hands are notoriously unsteady. :P )
Screen Shot 2020 09 14 At 11.45.18 AM

What do you think?

hey Ed

salt and distilled vinegar is the "Batik Etching" method used with conductive fabrics
could be nice for your electrode headset stuff.
anyway etchant waste is problematic because of the copper particles left in etchant...
have never try'ed this method.. i think it will take ages to etch the pyralux with this method


Hey Zohar/Wei!

Zohar; Awesome. I think I will give milling a try and then look into vinegar etching if I can't get it to work. :-)

Wei; That would be great! That's a really fascinating technique. I think the Max/MSP patch link is broken though...

Thank you everyone!

maybe we can try to make one etched circuit according to Ed's drawing and send it to you in the gift factory.

Hi ed

Have you or anyone you know used the 3d printed dry electrode?

Im researching about eeg headsets as well that I could use as interface for the Openbci. Like using head scans to make a generative headset or something similar

I would like to stay updated about your quest here and discuss if we can play with the data generated for sonification, for example?


Hey Tau!

I experimented a little bit with 3D printed electrodes. This paper (1) talks about a method of using printed electrodes coated with with a conductive ink but I haven't really tried to replicate their results yet. I did try a few experiments using ProtoPasta conductive filament, but I'm not so good at the esoteric art of FDM printing and couldn't get anything especially useful. I'd be interested in doing more work on the idea, though!

Generative headset design also sounds super interesting! I haven't worked much with 3D scanning technology. Would people's hair get in the way of getting a solid scan?

Also we absolutely can use the data for sonification! Several of my current projects are actually in the realm of sonification, so I have some modest experience. Did you have anything in mind? I'm available for a zoom session if you want to talk in real time too.


(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5087423/


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