
具體而言,構成無線電頻譜的傳輸生態無疑是人類世的最終表現,因為它們允許我們所知的人類生活(電信、環境監測、無線電天文學、FM/AM 無線電等)並塑造我們對地球的理解。在這種情況下,「聆聽太空」試圖探索作為離散的實體機器的衛星通信,通過衛星軌道所構成的韻律來觀察它們的活躍性。

通過手工實驗,我們試圖使用軟件定義無線電和手工天線攔截NOAA氣象衛星的音像傳輸。這個過程與我們兩人在工作中探索的公民科學理念完美契合。然後將截獲的信號編織成我們命名為Satellite Ikats的紡織品,作為檢測和解碼過程的物理存檔手段。這些編織的記憶文物是使用黑客破解的家用雙人床針織機創建的,它們的圖像由音頻傳輸的片段組成,基於織物的間隙和針數。紡織品表現成為了聆聽太空計劃的中心:我們希望能增強人們感知、體現並截取這些地球與其衛星之間對話的能力。

Driven by our previous explorations in non-verbal communication systems, we set out to explore RF detection, while considering the human body as an interface for sensing the invisible universe that surrounds us. By investigating the energies that have been harvested by humanity to knit this complex layer, a turbulent sea of radio waves that penetrates the fabric of our everyday lives even if it remains unseen and unheard, we aim to create poetic connotations between the sonic qualities of data collection and archiving, and bodies as agents of power to re-interpret current technologies.

Specifically, the ecologies of transmission that comprise the Radio Spectrum, are no doubt the ultimate expression of the Anthropocene, as they permit the operation of human life as we know it (telecommunications, environmental monitoring, radio astronomy, FM/AM radio, etc) and shape our understanding of the planet. In this context, Listening Space seeks to explore satellite transmissions as discrete embodied machines, by observing their liveness at a rhythm dictated by their orbit.

Through hands-on experimentation, we sought to intercept the NOAA weather satellites’ audiovisual transmissions using Software-Defined-Radio and hand-crafted antennas. This process aligned perfectly with the idea of citizen science that both of us are exploring in our work. The intercepted signals were then knitted into textiles that we named Satellite Ikats, as a means of physical archiving of the detection and decoding process. These knitted memory artifacts were created using a hacked domestic double bed knitting machine, and their imagery is comprised by fragments of the audio transmissions, based on gaps and counts. Textiles occupy a central place in Listening Space: we seek to enhance the human capability to sense and to embody the dialogues intercepted between earth and its satellites.

Listening Space


01/12/2025 - 01/18/2025
12 13 14 15 16 17 18