
聆太空:衛星Ikats針織 Listening Space: Satellite Ikats machine knitted swatches

by Afroditi Psarra and Audrey Briot

聆聽太空是一項藝術研究,探索傳播生態學,以感知超越人類生存條件的環境。 從概念上講,這個計劃旨在將傳播生態學定義為藝術表達的原料,以詩意的方式理解和重新想像,轉化並再現那些自太空廣播的音頻和圖像資料,同時將針織紡織品視為用於存儲和存檔的物理介質。

Listening Space is an artistic research that explores transmissions ecologies as a means of perceiving the surrounding environment beyond our human abilities. Conceptually the project seeks to define transmissions ecologies as raw material for artistic expression, to understand and re-imagine in poetic means, representations of audio and images broadcasted from space, while regarding knitted textiles as a physical medium for memory storage and archiving.

製作過程照片 process photos

為了創建這些樣本,我們使用V偶極天線,CubicSDR軟件和RTL-SDR硬件記錄了NOAA 18氣象衛星運行經過時發送的信號。 這些樣片上的衛星通行資料是於2019年8月的希臘納克索斯島上截取:
To create these swatches we recorded the NOAA 18 weather satellite pass using a V-dipole antenna and the [https://cubicsdr.com/|CubicSDR] software and the [https://www.rtl-sdr.com/|RTL-SDR] hardware. The specific pass that was used to create these swatches was recorded in Naxos island in August 2019, Greece.
為了創建這些樣本,我們使用V偶極天線,CubicSDR軟件和RTL-SDR硬件記錄了NOAA 18氣象衛星運行經過時發送的信號。 這些樣片上的衛星通行資料是於2019年8月的希臘納克索斯島上截取: To create these swatches we recorded the NOAA 18 weather satellite pass using a V-dipole antenna and the [https://cubicsdr.com/|CubicSDR] software and the [https://www.rtl-sdr.com/|RTL-SDR] hardware. The specific pass that was used to create these swatches was recorded in Naxos island in August 2019, Greece.

這是Audrey在法國攔截 NOAA 19 的另一張圖片,以及信號解碼的樣子。
Here is another image of Audrey intercepting NOAA 19 in France and what the signal decode looks like.
這是Audrey在法國攔截 NOAA 19 的另一張圖片,以及信號解碼的樣子。 Here is another image of Audrey intercepting NOAA 19 in France and what the signal decode looks like.

File not found.

After that, the image was converted into bitmap of two colors in Photoshop and was broken down in smaller images of 200 pixels width so that these images can be knitted by a knitting machine.
在這之後,這個影像被轉為雙色的BMP點陣圖格式,再被壓縮到寬度為只有200像素的圖像,以適合做為針織表現。 After that, the image was converted into bitmap of two colors in Photoshop and was broken down in smaller images of 200 pixels width so that these images can be knitted by a knitting machine.

我們使用特定的電腦式針織機Silver Reed SK840來處理針織的部份。
This image was specifically knitted using a [https://www.knitknackshop.com/machines/SK840.html|Silver Reed SK840] computerized knitting machine.
我們使用特定的電腦式針織機Silver Reed SK840來處理針織的部份。 This image was specifically knitted using a [https://www.knitknackshop.com/machines/SK840.html|Silver Reed SK840] computerized knitting machine.

Finally, we used an overlock machine to cut it into smaller pieces to create the swatches.
最後,我們用包邊機將之切割成多個片塊完成這個樣片。 Finally, we used an overlock machine to cut it into smaller pieces to create the swatches.

This is how a full satellite ikat looks like.
這是完整的衛星轉換紡織圖案。 This is how a full satellite ikat looks like.

這一片針織是由Audrey Briot利用Brother雙針床編織機完成的。
This specific one was knitted by Audrey Briot in a Brother double bed knitting machine.
這是我們在e-Textile Spring Break第一個用Brother單床針織機完成的衛星ikats.
This is one of our first satellite ikats on a single bed Brother at the [http://etextilespringbreak.org/|eTextile Spring Break].
這一片針織是由Audrey Briot利用Brother雙針床編織機完成的。 This specific one was knitted by Audrey Briot in a Brother double bed knitting machine. 這是我們在e-Textile Spring Break第一個用Brother單床針織機完成的衛星ikats. This is one of our first satellite ikats on a single bed Brother at the [http://etextilespringbreak.org/|eTextile Spring Break].

Here is the paper we published last year on the process:
“Listening Space: Satellite Ikats” Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), London, UK, September 12-14, pp. 318-321.

And to listen to our sound recordings from the satellite passes check here:

You can find more documentation on the project here:

材料樣片表 materials
電腦式針織機 Silver Reed SK840
機器針織 Machine Knitting
V-dipole antenna


05/26/2024 - 06/01/2024
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