虛擬艾德 Simulat(ed)

敘述 description
歡迎來到 Simulat(Ed)! 您現在是 Ed Cunneen 部分模擬器的自豪擁有者。 Brain Recordings 目錄中包含的文件是我大腦的記錄,以記錄它們時我正在做的活動命名。 Simulator.maxpat 文件中包含的軟件會回放我大腦的這些錄音,並使用它們來控制一個簡單的合成器,創建一種幽靈或遠程呈現。

1.) 安裝 Max/MSP。 (有免費版本,但您可能無法保存更改。)
2.) 打開 Simulator.maxpat
3.) 按照修補程序中包含的說明進行操作。

對文件做你想做的事。 實驗。 把它們切碎。 使用它們來控制其他信號。 我永遠不會公開這些文件。 它們是色板交換的參與者獨有的。 這是我給你的禮物; 我的一個片段,因為我們不能在同一個物理空間。

Continuing themes of personal interaction, Simulat(Ed) aims to create a tele-presence artifact of the artist. It takes the form of a USB drive containing multiple audio recordings of raw EEG brain data which can then be used to control a simple FM synthesizer. Recipients were encouraged to experiment with the Max/MSP Patcher and build upon it, using the artist's 'thoughts' to do novel and unexpected things.

​As a result of travel constraints imposed by the pandemic it was necessary to conduct the Having Future Friends residency remotely. Since I couldn't be physically present with all of the wonderful humans I met during the residency, I endeavored to create a fragment, or artifact, of my person that could be shared. Recordings were taken of my brain while I was performing normal tasks, which were then presented as audio files to be used both as distinct elements and as a control signal for a simple FM synthesizer.

README Text included with files on drive:

Welcome to Simulat(Ed)! You are now the proud owner of a partial simulator of Ed Cunneen. The files contained with the Brain Recordings directory are recordings of my brain, appropriately named after the activity I was doing when they were recorded. The software contained in the Simulator.maxpat file plays back these sound recordings of my brain and uses them to control a simple synthesizer, creating a sort of ghost or telepresence.

To Use:
1.) Install Max/MSP. (There is a free version, but you may not be able to save changes.)
2.) Open Simulator.maxpat
3.) Follow instructions contained in the patcher.

Do what you want with the files. Experiment. Chop them up. Use them to control other signals. I will never make these files available publicly. They are exclusive to the participants in the swatch exchange. This is my gift to you; A fragment of me, since we cannot be in the same physical space.

製作過程照片 process photos


max patch to play Simulat(Ed) out!
max patch to play Simulat(Ed) out!


File not found.


樣片材料表 material list
USB Drives


12/15/2024 - 12/21/2024
15 16 17 18 19 20 21