
編碼的信息:針織腦波資料 Encoded Messages: Knitted EEG Data
A Collaboration with Victoria Manganiello + Ed Cunneen + Linh My Truong
EEG Knit 1 EEG Knit 2 EEG Knit 3 EEG Knit 4

敘述 description
受鮑德里亞的《纖維藝術中的模擬和隱寫術理論》的啟發,我們的合作樣片使用1980年代的Brother家用編織機和AYAB軟體,將EEG資料裡的眨眼讀數視覺化為這個針織樣片。 由於我們對信息傳遞性質的好奇心,以及織品和腦電波等材料如何影響通信結果的共同興趣,開啟了這項計劃。 橫越了三個不同的時區和兩個國家,我們共同努力使用數據和紗線來講述一個故事。 我們將其視為可能正在進行的合作的開始,並希望探索規模和材料如何證明大腦讀取數據的複雜性。

Inspired by Baudrillard’s Theory of Simulation and Steganography in Fiber Arts, we collaborated to create knit swatches showing visualizations from eye blinking EEG readings using a 1980s Brother domestic knitting machine and AYAB software. The project has come together due to our shared interests and curiosities for the nature of messaging and how materials such as yarn and brain waves can impact the outcomes of communication. Across three different time zones and two countries, we worked together to use data and yarn to tell a story. We see this as the start of a possibly ongoing collaboration and hope to explore how scale and materials can demonstrate the complexity of brain reading data.

製作過程照片 process photos
Blinking Scaled4 Blinking Scaled7 Blinking Scaled3 Blinking Scaled1 Blinking Scaled2
1) Create images to knit by pixelating images and cropping to appropriate size to knit based on your design (up to 200 pixels wide to knit full width of knitting machine).
Knit Step 2
2) Hook up the AYAB Interface or AYAB Shield + Arduino UNO to the knitting machine and your computer with AYAB software.
Knit Step 3
3) Cast on and knit a few rows based on the start and stop needle stated in the AYAB software for your uploaded pattern.
Knit Step 4
4) While the knitting carriage is all the way to the left, change the carriage knob to KC (I), configure and start the AYAB pattern, and knit the first line from left to right.
Knit Step 5
5) Add the second color while the carriage is on the right side of the machine, push the MC button on the carriage, and continue knitting until the pattern is finished.

樣片材料表 material list
Brother KH910 Knitting Machine / Brother KH910 針織機
AYAB Interface or AYAB Shield + Arduino UNO
Computer running AYAB software
Wool yarn / 羊毛線

Baudrillard's Theory of Simulation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacra_and_Simulation
"The Weavers and Their Information Webs: Steganography in the Textile Arts": https://adanewmedia.org/2018/05/issue13-kuchera/
AYAB website: https://ayab-knitting.com/
AYAB Interface Documentation: https://wiki.evilmadscientist.com/AYAB_Interface
AYAB Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1384431355220966


12/08/2024 - 12/14/2024
08 09 10 11 12 13 14