
History: 王禎鈺 Chen-Yu Wang

Preview of version: 8

Hello Future Friends

We are here virtually, thinking about the grounded topics, working with hands.
Speaking in a platform that threads the connection across different time zones.
Redefining the stories that once shape the history, yet what is the new story?

Under the pandemic, meetings goes online, the distance turns into the reality.
It is annoy that hug cannot be shared, hand shake is omitted, feeling is strange.
Remind the tribal culture from the past, reflect on the lifestyle we once neglect.
The intimacy between their hands, fibre, landscape, people to the craft they make
How to build the new relationship between people, object, time and the space?
What is the most valuable thing that we want to bring back to modern society?

For me the experience with Hmongs, Ker's family in Sapa, Vietman is inspiring.
Trekking to her house, across different corn crops, villages, streams, and the hills.
The tribal culture was preserved in daily life authentically, regardless for the tourist.
Blue indigo pots made freshly in June, a custom that has passed by in generation.
Ka, daughter of Ker, treated me wild berries and weaved me flower necklace, pretty.
I was invited to the shamanic ceremony, felt the process, the dancing, happening.
It was the harmony atmosphere from family and the respect of the nature intrigued.

In the end, the objects, crafts, textiles, serves for people to utilize for the happening.
However, what is the new ritual that the contemporary could learn from the minority?
This is the beginning of the research.

About your new friend-Chen Yu Wang
Sensitive/ Bold/ Weird/Wild/ trying to get away from being a good girl that her society expect.
(B.A.)Fashion Textiles/London/2013
(M.A) Social Design/Eindhoven/currently in a gap year
Work preferred to present in contemporary approach but interested the context embedded
Work as a therapy and personal understanding and just ready to connect to surroundings
Skills:Textiles, Fabric, Object, Installation
Is currently exploring The Body/Ritual/Performance
Looking forward to learn/collaborate:Technology-Related, sound, e-textile, tribal stories

Will organize my works again this autumn!
Website 2013-2019 Select Works
Instagram Recent updates

Embodiment The Taiwanese Ritual

Share With Me
Is there any particular ritual that you know, you do, or your personality create to make you feel ease?
Could you try to act, record yourself and share with me?
It is okay to disregard the object but just act with the gesture.

Step 1:

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step 2:
step 3:


Information Version
2020-09-13 04:02 admin 15
2020-09-07 12:29 melchenyu 14
2020-09-07 12:26 melchenyu 13
2020-09-07 12:20 melchenyu 12
2020-09-07 01:10 melchenyu 11
2020-09-07 01:02 melchenyu 10
2020-09-07 00:56 melchenyu 9
2020-09-07 00:52 melchenyu 8
2020-09-07 00:03 melchenyu 7
2020-09-06 23:58 melchenyu 6
2020-09-06 23:51 melchenyu 5
2020-09-06 23:31 melchenyu 4
2020-09-06 23:31 melchenyu 3
2020-09-06 23:30 melchenyu 2
2020-09-06 23:28 melchenyu 1


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