Hi everyone ! We (Audrey and Zohar) will give a remote workshop on flexible PCBs and funny electronic circuits ! Shih Wei Chieh will represent us and help the participants at NTCRI if needed, as long as we are behind our webcams in different parts of the world !
We will give two workshops, in which you will be able to experiment with flexible PCBs. In the first workshop you will learn how to make a Lick'o'meter and in the second workshop you will create a circuit for EMF sensing.
First, a PCB is a Print Circuit Board. It is used to support and electrically connects electrical or electronic components using conductive tracks and pads, these are etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it. More here, on Wikipedia
In both workshops, we will invite you to experiment with flexible PCBs through various methods:
- assembling copper tape,
- vinyl cutting copper tape,
-vinyl cutting conductive textile,
-laser cutting conductive textile,
- vinyl cutting conductive tape + kapton tape + transparent film = flexible circuit
- silk screen printing circuit with conductive ink,
- Laser etching with photosensitive resin,
- mask + etching on conductive fabric using lard, vaseline, silicon, vinyl, UV photosensitive ink
- etching flexible PCB Pyralux,
To explore :
- mask using Katazome on conductive textile + etching inspired from indigo dye,
- mask using clay resist on conductive textile / etching (inspired from indigo dye),
Yang Wei Ling & Liang Wei-Ti what do thing about it ?
3V Coin Cell Holder from EMI Tape
Quickly redesigning the shapes, the space between the components need to stay the same.
If you use copper tape, keep in mind that the underneath is not conductive. You need to solder pads with each others and check for the continuity with a multimeter.
Photo Masks:
Lithography process with photosensitive dry film & Etching:
Check Flexible Sticky PCB Fabrication Tutorial Link
Preparing DIY Flexible copper tape clad - Step 1
Applying PhotoSensitive Dry Film on Flexible Copper Clad - Step 2 Or follow the steps in this Link
Developing Process with Sodium Carbonate - Step 4
materials (previous list)
circuits references
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